Still Injured – Now What?!

I haven’t posted anything lately, mainly because I have been out of commission (with running) since my last half marathon. The day after the race, my knee was in it’s worst shape yet and it only went downhill from there. I took a couple of weeks off which was horrible, awful, miserable, any negative adjective you can think of, and just plain boring! This past Sunday, about 5 days ago, I decided to give it a try with a short and quick 4 mile run. Hello big mistake. Now the pain and swelling is in both of  my knees, awesome right?! Despite the injury issues I’m having right now, I still signed up for my second half marathon! (maybe it was a little in spite of current circumstances) My next half is going to be the Timp (Timpanogos) Half in Utah, at the end of July. I’m also doing the Color Me Rad 5K at the end of June which I’m hoping I’ll be recovered and ready to run by then. Without being able to get up every day and run, my thoughts on the sport have changed entirely. I never used to call myself a “runner”, I just never thought I fit that classification, even though people will tell you anyone who runs is a “runner”. For me personally, I just didn’t think it fit. I had it in my head that I didn’t enjoy the actual act of running, just the feeling of accomplishment that comes after finishing a long run, or PR’ing when you didn’t think you had it in you. Now that I can’t do it anymore (for the time being) I would give anything to be outside on a nice day, on my favorite trail, escaping reality and just running…and doing it all for no one other than myself. If anyone were to ask me now, I’d say I fit the description of a runner 🙂

I would go crazy if I wasn’t able to get a workout/activity in in some form, so I have gotten creative with staying in the best running shape I can without actually running. I found a pretty awesome filler activity, mountain biking! I think I am having more fun riding my bike as an adult than I did as a kid, but I think the scenery and the trails in Utah may play a little part in that. I recently purchased a new mountain bike from Jans out here in Park City. I haven’t hit any of the hard stuff yet, but even on the easier trails you definitely feel the burn. In an earlier post I mentioned that one of my loves for running came from the simple fact that it could take me to some really cool places. I have a sneaky suspicion that mountain biking is going to do the same thing. As much as I don’t like to admit it, I’ve also taken up a new hobby in the form of a workout video, gasp, I know. However, the results are there! I’ve been doing the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30, and I will absolutely testify to the video, it’s not easy and you will see results! Even so, this is temporary until I get the knee situation figured out!

I’m hoping to be back on the running train within a few weeks with a new training plan for Half Marathon #2!


Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!



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